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The programs that are downloadable on this website are free to use for any purpose, without warranty.
When source code is included, you are free to reuse any parts of it in your projects.
Have fun! :)

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WebGL experiment
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I've made a WebGL experiment, produced by blending, some filters and feedback effects by rendering into textures.
After starting it may take a while until contrasts become visible and patterns emerge.


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Tank sQuad
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tank4 There is an alpha version of Tank sQuad (Tank 4) available now.
It is a strategy game about an escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine.
The story for both sides and a small and a bigger mission are included.

downloadDownload Tank sQuad with C++ source code (11.6 MB)

See the Tank sQuad page for more details:

Tank sQuad page

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Direct3D QuadTree
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quadtree This demo shows a QuadTree landscape with trees and tanks.
It provides the landscape engine used in Tank 4.

You can move tanks with the mouse like you do in strategy games. It's written in C++ und uses Direct3D 8.

QuadTree page

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